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Say goodbye to dental discomfort with our specialised root end surgery that targets persistent infections for long lasting relief. Our Internal Bleaching procedures effectively lighten discoloured teeth, restoring confidence with every grin. We harness biologically active materials to stimulate tissue growth and regeneration, preserving your natural teeth for years to come. Our pain relieving endodontic procedures are backed by a comprehensive understanding of dental anatomy and pathology, allowing us to target the root cause of discomfort with precision.

  • Preserve natural teeth
  • Significant pain relief
  • Avoid tooth extraction
  • Improved dental aesthetics
  • Minimal discomfort and downtime
1. What types of treatments are included in advanced endodontic procedures?

Root canal therapy, retreatment of failed root canals, apicoectomy (root end surgery), internal bleaching, vital pulp therapy, and regenerative endodontics.

2. How long does endodontic treatment take?

Duration varies; some treatments require a single appointment, others multiple visits.

3. Is endodontic treatment suitable for children?

Yes, it can be performed on primary (baby) or permanent teeth in children.